Mental Health Practice Audits

A compliance partner offering judgment-free auditing services for private practices, group practices, and agency clinics.

Proven Credibility for Audits & Compliance

We’re working in a field where all that pain in the behind paperwork can lead to non-compliance troubles in the blink of an eye. As a licensed therapist, I get it. You want to focus on your clients, and paperwork be damned. But that means you might inadvertently miss a crucial step when it comes to all that compliance stuff.

Enter my mental health practice audits.

I help ensure you meet documentation, policy, and risk management best practices, so you’re always ready for an external audit. I put systems in place to protect your clients and your practice with audit-proof therapy documentation that meet Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial insurance documentation requirements.

Why Have Your Practice Audited?

Look, I get it. Paperwork is the worst, am I right? As a therapist, you just want to help people - not get bogged down with forms, documentation, and keeping up with the latest rules. But here's the thing: staying on top of compliance isn't just about covering your behind legally. It's about providing the best care possible for your clients.

That's where I come in! As your friendly neighborhood practice auditor, it's my job to dive into the nitty-gritty details so you don't have to. I'll carefully review your current systems and workflows, and if I find any inconsistencies or potential issues, we'll work together to get things straightened out. Consider me your partner in compliance!

My audits aren't meant to nitpick or catch you doing something wrong. They're designed to give you peace of mind that your practice meets industry standards and ethical guidelines. That way, you can focus on what really matters - helping your clients thrive.

What Exactly is a Mental Health Practice Audit? It Sounds Risky!

The word audit is only dread-worthy when you’re sitting across the table from an external auditor. External insurance audits are all about suspicions that something bad is going on. The audits I perform are internal, so I’m not here to judge you but actually help you. I understand honest practitioners can fall into non-compliance without even realizing it.

My goal is to spot common risk factors, uncover problems and discover opportunities for improvement so you avoid external audits. If you do get audited? You’ll survive without breaking a sweat because we’ve remedied your compliance issues.

Set audit objectives to meet your specific needs and create an actionable list of easy-to-implement system improvements.

  • Establish audit criteria using industry benchmarks based on my deep knowledge of the laws and regulations

  • Work with your team to up their skills so they feel more confident to complete their processes to the highest level of compliance

  • Provide a comprehensive plan based on my findings to ensure you remain compliant – no judgment

  • Help set up proper documentation and records management systems so you’re always ready for an external audit stress-free – take that auditors!

  • Ensure you adhere to HIPAA regulations for your mental health documentation, therapy documentation, and all related therapeutic notes  

  • Follow through with ongoing reporting to spot recurring issues and keep your compliance on track

Why Work with Me?

I’m a licensed therapist with over 10 years of clinical experience who made the switch to offering comprehensive auditing services.

Why? Simple.

I wanted to help mental health practitioners stand up to tiresome auditor scrutiny.

When practicing, I realized how much quality client care relied on compliance yet didn’t have time to deal with rules and paperwork. Then, the lightbulb moment: Fellow mental health practitioners would love having help with their paperwork from someone who “gets” their challenges.

That’s me!

I’m all about putting the systems in place that ensure compliance, improve team efficiency, and reduce claims denial through proper insurance processes that get you paid.

What are the Benefits of a Mental Health Practice Audit?

Where do I begin? My clients sleep well at night knowing their systems are efficient, their processes are compliant, they’ll avoid claim denial and finally start getting paid correctly.

But there’s so much more:

  • Ease of use: Proper systems automate reporting and documentation, which makes life easier for your team. As a result, they use all that saved time to ensure your clients enjoy the highest level of care and service and can poo-poo that paper pile.

  • Reduced errors: Missed errors risk compliance issues, while also piling on more administrative work on team members that wastes valuable time. New systems will reduce the amount of manual data entry required, so you avoid human errors and can maintain accurate records for both patient care and finances.

  • Improved efficiency: An audit improves processes to streamline the administrative side of your practice, improving efficiency and reducing the need for your oversight. Your team gets speedy-fast while reducing the risk of errors, whether it’s in your therapist's notes or meeting Medicare documentation requirements.

  • Compliance: Compliance: Internal insurance audits are all about compliance. I assure you you’re not in violation of regulations that could have legal implications. Not to get all “you’d-better-be-careful” on you, but I understand how easily those inadvertent errors happen that can make it appear you’re not operating on the up and up when it comes to legitimate insurance claims. An audit will help ensure you never violate regulations and that you’re always paid what you’re due. 

  • Reduced the risk of insurance recoups: Errors and non-compliance can lead to overpayments, so insurance providers come at you with, “You owe us money!” Audits avoid recoupment while ensuring insurance companies are paying up on time. Goodbye recoupments, hello deposits.

  • Maintaining patient confidentiality:  HIPAA compliance protects patient confidentiality so your clients can trust you. You can also ensure you maintain records of all client interactions with an effective data management system.

My internal audits are designed to create a stress-free environment where client care is the focus, teams work efficiently, and you get paid on time. Not too shabby an outcome if I do say so myself.

Click here to schedule a 15-minute Discovery Call to find out if we’re a good fit. You can also purchase my Audit-Compliant Note Template here to help keep your therapy notes consistent, compliant, and organized. You’re welcome!

Practice Audit Coaching Session

The Practice Audit includes a review of progress notes & treatment plans with assessment for accuracy and completeness. The audit will look for completion of SMART Goals, medical necessity, goals and interventions and policy and procedure adherence.

A detailed audit report will be presented to the leadership team upon completion of the audit.

Contact me for payment plan options.